A New Attorney at Law
Mr P. Mootoosamy – brother of Mr S. Mootoosamy, Magistrate – who was attached to the office of Mr Attorney A. Robert came out successful at the Attorney-at-Law’s final examination which work place on the 29th of July at the Supreme Court.
Congratulations and best wishes for a brilliant career.
* * *
NMU learns a lesson
In his issue of 2 Aug 55 NMU reproduced an Indophobian article entitled ‘Imbroglio Colonial’.
Advance answered that insulting article stating thus: “Le Cernéen a reproduit, hier, en première page, d’un obscur journal d’Afrique, un article injurieux contre l’Inde et M. Nehru… ”
The words d’un obscur journal d’Afrique evoked NMU, who, in his ‘Opinion du jour’ of the 8th of August exploded in the following words thereby making involuntarily a confession that is dear to us: “… Nous sommes moins orgueilleux que lui (M. Beejadhur). Si, pour lui, la valeur d’un texte est fonction de la notoriété de la feuille qui le diffuse, pour nous cette valeur réside en la qualité intrinsèque des propos…”
Some time back – on the 11th of June to be precise – our Editor wrote the following under the heading ‘NMU and our small self’: “One day NMU will perhaps tell his readers what the soundness of an opinion has to do with the size of paper which publishes it…”
It was at the time when NMU was trying to heap ridicule and contempt on our head because our paper was small by calling us: Micro Times, petit hebdomaaire hindou, etc.
* * *
Macro Polo
This is the name of a 28-foot long yacht of the Royal Akarana Yacht Club that cast anchor in the harbour of Port Louis, on Tuesday the 2nd of August.
Three young men: Messrs Mick Eart, Tony Armit and Brian Loc are the only occupants of the boat that left Australia on the 13th of July, 1954.
Leaving Mauritius they intend visiting Africa. America, some islands of the Pacific Ocean and will regain Australia towards November next year, after making a voyage round the world.
We wish them “Bon Voyage” and success in their hardy enterprise.
Un petit bateau can embark on a big enterprise, Mr NMU!
* * *
Radio Talks from London
Last Monday Hon Dr Ramgoolam, Koenig, Forget and Dr Celestin spoke from London in “Calling Mauritius” on the proposed Constitutional Changes.
Dealing with the demands of the Labour Party, Dr Ramgoolam has been most categorical. He said, inter alia: “These demands which appear most moderate and reasonable in the eyes of many British statesmen are being opposed by the other groups who came to London with us. They are clamouring for minority safeguards, exaggerating their claims to such a degree that it seems they would make democracy stand on its head… We are not prepared to accept any system which would turn any minority into a majority…” Dr Ramgoolam concluded by saying: “The Labour Party feels that the time of apprenticeship and experiments in public life is gone and that we should prepare now to claim our full nationhood and take our rightful place in the British Commonwealth of Nations.”
Hon Koenig said in what way his party has opposed the different proposals of the Labour Party. It appears that his Party has not proposed anything but contented itself by opposing the main Labour demands.
Hon Forget announced optimistically : “Je suis heureux de pouvoir vous annoncer que l’opinion qui prévaut ici est qu’il a été établi qu’il y a nécessité pour une modification de la Constitution, ce qui donne raison aux travaillistes.”
Dr Celestin urged for something like « Mauricianisme intégral” which apparently is against the spirit of the Parti Mauricien – the League of Minorities. Dr Celestin said: “Tachons d’être Mauriciens… l’heure n’est plus aux luttes intestines. Il nous faut, cela d’urgence, combler les fossés, abattre les cloisons étanches et réduire la distance qui séparerait naguère d’Epinay et Remy Ollier.”
Advance and Le Mauricien published the four speeches the next day and Le Cernéen announced that it was going to publish that of Hon Koenig only. And Le Cernéen has kept its word.
The “Manchette” of Le Mauricien seems to say that it is significant that Dr Ramgoolam alone spoke in English and others in French.
In our eyes the significance of the talks lies in what they contain and not in their languages.
* * *
Happy Week End
This weekend is a very important one. The whole of Mauritius is going to be in a festive mood.
For the Christians there is the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. A huge manifestation is being organised at Marie Reine de La Paix where five new priests will be ordained.
The Bishop of Port Louis will be unable to conduct the ceremony of ordination because of his impaired health. He will be replaced by the Bishop of St Denis, Reunion, who will come here for this very purpose.
The Muslims and sympathizers of Pakistan will celebrate the 8th anniversary of the Independence of Pakistan. A great meeting is being organised near the Plaine Verte Garden.
Indo-Mauritians and friends of India will celebrate the 8th anniversary of the Indian Independence. On this occasion, meetings will be organised throughout the island. A big meeting will be held at the Arya Bhavan, Port Louis, at 8 pm on the 15th.
We wish all our readers, whether Christians, Muslims or Hindus, a happy weekend.
(Mauritius Times, Friday 12 August 1955)
* Published in print edition on 25 December 2015
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