MoU MGI- Indian Council for Cultural Relations
|Chair in Hindi Language to be set up at the MGI
A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed on Monday 30 May 2016 at 13 00 hrs at the MGI by the Mrs S N Gayan, Director-General (MGI & RTI) and by Shri Anup Kumar Mudgal, Indian High Commissioner, who represented the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), in the presence of Mr Jaynarain Meetoo, Chairman of the MGI & RTI Council, Mrs N Ghoorah, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research, Dr (Mrs) V D Koonjal, Director (MGI), representatives of the Indian High Commission and officers of the Mahatma Gandhi Institute.
The MoU provides for the setting up of a Chair in Hindi Language at the MGI. With the various programmes of studies in Hindi being run at tertiary education level, an expert of international repute in the field of Hindi will be greatly beneficial in capacity-building and also for increasing exposure of students and staff to international practices in this field. The Chair will be expected to promote the teaching of Hindi in Mauritius.
The ICCR has established Chairs of Indian Studies in various countries. The purpose of these Chairs, apart from educating foreign students, is to become a nucleus for the dynamic development of capacity and interest in Indian Studies in academic institutions abroad.
* Published in print edition on 3 June 2016
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