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At the mercy of criminals
Hindi classes at Pandit Cashinath Kistoe AV School
It now seems that Hindi is about to secure its rightful place at the United Nations and on the world stage. Those who understand and love the Hindi language should be happy. Those who are interested to learn the language will find that there are several organizations that run Hindi classes free of charge for pupils of every denomination. Interested persons should get enrolled for the courses, and they will start conversing in the language in a matter of months.
Besides, for those who are interested in business, it will be to their advantage if they were to learn the language: Hindi and Mandarin will not settle for less than their rightful place on the world stage and both will be of tremendous help to those involved in business in India and China. Both countries are driving world business as never before and the West will no doubt have to look up to these two countries.
I have been told about Pandit Cashinath Kistoe Aryan Vedic Sunday Hindi School holding free Hindi classes for youngsters as well as for the not-so-young – for standards one to six, Forms I to VI (HSC) as well as Praveshika right through to Uttama. There are also classes on Hinduism, Human Values, Dharmic Studies as well as adult classes and co-curricular activities such as drama, songs, foreign exchange programmes with Indian institutions and other programmes. There are presently some 400 pupils on the roll of the Hindi school.
I am given to understand that the school is very well managed by Mr Suren Dayal, the Member of Parliament of the constituency of Moka-Quartier Militaire. The latter’s contribution, like so many around the country, to the cause of Hindi and Hinduism is highly commendable. We only hope others will emulate them.
P. Nath Arjun
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IFB : Rallumons le flambeau
Nous devons une fière chandelle à la famille Bissoondoyal, en particulier à la contribution des deux frères Basdeo et Sookdeo qui ont aidé à rallumer le flambeau de la culture et de la langue hindi. Ils ont contribué à l’épanouissement de plusieurs langues : le hindi, l’anglais et le français, cela grâce aux leçons particulières gratuites données aux gens qui venaient de tous les coins et recoins de l’île.
Qui peut oublier la fête de Ganga Asnan à Belle-Mare où régnait l’ordre et la paix, sans aucun discours politique mais un “Pravachan” qui amenait les dévots à mieux comprendre leur culture ? C’est un rêve du passé : voir revivre de ses cendres cette pratique parce qu’aujourd’hui tout a été politisé.
Faisons revivre ce passé glorieux pour un meilleur avenir.
Ces jours-ci, que ce soit le bhojpuri ou le hindi, ces deux langues sont en perte de vitesse dans notre société. C’est notre culture qui est menacée. La « Bihari Roots Foundation » fait un appel aux jeunes de rallumer le flambeau que les frères Bissoondoyal avaient allumé.
Préservons notre culture et notre langue. L’étincelle est là, rallumons-la.
Goorooduth Chuttoo
Bihari Roots Foundation
Tel: 627-4486
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At the mercy of criminals
These days we hear of nothing but rapes and atrocious crimes. Most law-abiding Mauritians are absolutely fed up with this state of affairs. I personally do not at all safe in my own country – perhaps the politicians do, surrounded as they are with bodyguards.
“A modern society that outlaws the death penalty does not send a message of reverence for life but one of moral confusion. When we outlaw the death penalty, we tell the murderer that no matter what he may do to innocent people in our custody and care, women, children, old people, his most treasured possession, his life is secure. We guarantee it in advance. Just as a nation that declares that nothing will make it go to war, finds itself at the mercy of warlike regimes. So a society that will not put the worst of its criminals to death will find itself at the mercy of criminals who have no qualms about putting innocent people to death.”
Ç’est la voix du people à travers un référendum qui doit guider les mesures à prendre dans le cas des crimes odieux. A quand la punition ultime qui fera réfléchir à deux fois les criminels, avant de commettre l’acte de non-retour ?
Mona. R. Babajee
Port Louis
* Published in print edition on 21 January 2011
An Appeal
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