At one time we had thought that an alliance between two mainstream parties was a guarantee of electoral success but this appears to be no longer the case
Being elected to represent the people does not mean that an MP, Minister, Prime Minister or President has been given a licence to do whatever he or she
Interview : Dharam Gokhool, ancien ministre de l’Education — ‘L’Alliance Lepep avait promis le nettoyage et le développement… la population attend toujours un coup d’éclat’
Speaking at the opening session of the UN Global Conference on Anti-Corruption in Small Island States, the Prime Minister announced on Monday last that the government was contemplating
Interview: Dev Virahsawmy « A part Ramgoolam, les gens qui pourront jouer un rôle important dans cette grande alliance sont Valayden, Mohamed… et qui sait, peut-être Xavier Duval
Voters gave a decisive victory to l’Alliance Lepep in the municipal elections of Sunday last. In an unprecedented win, the political alliance secured all the 120 seats in