Deepaavalee symbolises a fresh start, a new beginning. It is a time when families, friends and communities come together in a spirit of celebration and joy
Just as those who experienced slavery knew best what a slave regime was about, similarly the generation who voted for independence viewed it differently from what historians sometimes
To curtail the influence of religious, ethnic or cultural associations in politics is as welcome as reducing that of the capitalist lobby on government
Tribute — Epitomized Feminine Grace and the Glow of Academia The sad demise of Mokshda Kistoe West has left everyone who knew her – relatives, friends, pupils, colleagues
Au gré des années, la reconnaissance de l’apport des diverses communautés se renforce ; et ce, avec la création des musées, d’un segatorium, de l’Aapravasi Ghat Interpretation Centre,
The National Geographic Magazine of December 2015 carries a very interesting cover story consecrated to Mary, the Virgin. She is hailed as the most powerful woman in the
World Sanskrit Day was celebrated on Monday 31st August at the Mahatma Gandhi Institute, leaving much to be pondered upon. An impressive number of students distinguished themselves at
With the advent of globalisation and the revolution in communication, the Indian diaspora has also become a global community with its young members reaching out to the world