Now that the Independent Power Producers’ contracts are due for renegotiations, Ivan Le Terrible finds it opportune — now or never — to deal them a death blow
Small planters constitute a group of not less than 30,000 representing a vote bank of 120,000 or more or 6,000 per constituency. This plain truth must be reckoned
On the surface, they are militating for the people whom they claim are unwitting victims, but deeper down, they are there to destabilize the government, to favour some
It is absolutely daft and blatantly irresponsible for government to propose the privatization of the CWA or worse handing over its management to the private sector
World economic growth slowed down suddenly in the wake of the international crisis of 2008. Millions were thrown out of jobs. Several economic activities went into downturn. Since
A dose of cool-headedness and sticking to principles will do nobody any harm The government headed by SAJ as from 1983 was characterised by decision-taking more than anything