What many people will not know is that, just like FIFA-WC, there is another world football competition which is also being held this year. That is the World
Compared to the luxury villas to be found in his neighbourhood, my old friend Keshraj has been living in a relatively modest house for the past 27 years
Has the ladies faith in the dogmatic teachings of feminist writers/leaders been the deliverance they had dreamt of? Has it led them to other forms of sexual inequality,
Even in the wake of bloody war, peaceful co-existence is possible. Friendship and peace lead to the path of enlightenment and socio-economic, cultural and moral advancement
Has anyone thought about the funding of the NIT policy? Further borrowing being ruled out, the only viable option may be a reduction in expenditure on other welfare
“This is Heaven on Earth!” I exclaimed, turning to my friend Kay as we stood on the edge of Geirangerfjord amidst the ubiquitous log hytters in Geiranger village
Officially it is a historical memorial. But symbolically it may well represent a universal monument to the possibility of peaceful co-existence between erstwhile foes