Another Jackpot: Who is not speaking the truth?
|Political caricatures
In 2014 the property was valued at Rs 6 million. Three years later, it was valued at Rs 15m. This is equivalent to an annual average return of 45% when they have maintained the savings rate at a low of rate of only 3%. It defies simple economic logic!!! By the logic of the present case, a property which was worth Rs 10 million in 2014, is worth around Rs 45 million at present. By the same logic, the loss in value is unbelievably astounding. There will be a beeline to buy land in this area. They told us it was “un juge de la cour” who gave his decision on the amount to be paid for compulsory acquisition but now we are being told that it is a “Settlement” between the owner and the SLO with the approval of the Board of Assessment. Which is which? Who is fooling us?
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Nation Zougader
What was all the fuss about on Wednesday? It finally turned out to be the day reserved for the second draw of the Lotto. A nice “pactole” for the gambling house. Do you recall that they promised to put order to this gambling mess? Order, it is!! If you play it right and with the right gambling house, you become a millionaire. The “nation zougadère” no longer believes that “prosperity comes with hard work, discipline and dedication”!!!
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Tontons Macoutes in Action
My friend, who is ninety percent of the time tipsy, had barged in a political gathering and he was badly beaten up by the bouncers of the political party. The public usually takes care of such people by swiftly carrying them away. This intimidating display of force was unneeded and it does not portend well for a party intent on replacing the present regime. The silent majority is watching its every move. After the “tou seki fer mwa ditor pu grener kuma zambalak”, now this. Affaire à suivre.
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Certificat de Moralité
Our athletes should be role models for the youth so that’s the “raison d’être” for the Certificate of Morality. Similarly our politicians should be role models.
Are they? Don’t you think it is time that some of the politicians seek a “Certificat de moralité” from their constituents, the modalities of which need to be worked out.Before they commit more blunders?
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Anti-Corruption – a masterly bullshit!!!
After having waited in vain for a denouement on some of the pending cases — hot potatoes — we are now being told that the decision/ruling on another hot potato may take some years. Why? Because, among other factors, the Guy speaks only Portuguese. Some of these justifications may be digestible with some efforts, like in the case of the data being irretrievable on the phone of the lady suing a minister or the difficulties in setting up a video networking in a court case but this one is plainly unpalatable – to say it mildly – a masterly bullshit. On nous prend pour des cons!!!
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Core qualification for the new CEO of a top bank
Guaranteed for a minimum of losses with same Board of directors comprising political nominees, relatives, and…
* Published in print edition on 13 September 2018
An Appeal
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