Political maturity was never even a major criterion for constitutional progress. Other factors explain why it took 20 long years from 1948 for the island to achieve full
Interview : Jocelyn Chan Low, Historien ‘Un PTr sans Ramgoolam est inimaginable pour l’instant, mais en politique on ne sait jamais’ Plusieurs observateurs ont relevé des paradoxes du
Even before the campaign for the general elections of 10th December 2014 was officially launched, the Mauritius Times had been arguing against amending the Constitution to make provision
“As opposed to the 1967 general elections, which were truly turned into a referendum for or against Independence, the forthcoming one fails to offer such a clear-cut choice.
Come the birth anniversary of SSR, as it happened this week, various events are hosted to remember the good things he did for the advancement of this nation.