With some sort of Brexit looming, restrictions on inward migration are inevitable. Despite warnings from trade associations the Theresa May-led coalition government doesn’t seem to be listening
Mayfair is the city’s “most exclusive” hotel, retail, gambling, and hedge-fund dominated financial district. In short, it’s where the money is — By Sean Carey
Mr Uddin is one of around 40,000 Uber drivers in London, who are worried about their future employment prospects following TfL’s decision not to renew Uber’s licence
Lots of substances are routinely used by athletes so it’s reasonable to ask what counts as “doping” and what counts as “legitimate” performance enhancer
London’s Chinatown, which lies between Shaftesbury Avenue and Leicester Square, is changing fast. Why? Mainly because the area’s biggest landlord, Shaftesbury, is raising rents exponentially. Unsurprisingly, this increase
“Paleoanthropologist and neuroanatomist Raymond Dart considered fear of falling to be adult humans’ primary fear, upon which other anxieties and phobias are constructed. I reflect on this perspective
Hollywood star Ben Affleck’s attempt to suppress a story about a slave-owning ancestor of his has caused something of a furore, especially in the US. The information about
Last Friday, after it was announced that the Conservative Party had won a wholly unexpected overall majority in the UK parliament – “the sweetest victory” according to its
The election date has yet to be declared, but Mauritius has been preparing itself for a new government for some time now. Earlier this year it looked like
The narrow 3-2 verdict by the Law Lords against the islanders’ right of return in 2008 was in part based upon an earlier study into resettlement that has