One word which has kept cropping up during the preparations for this much-awaited visit is ‘strategic’ – thus, strategic interest, strategic balance, strategic convergence
New Light on the Indenture Labour System When the girmitias – indentured labour immigrants – set out from Calcutta as from 2 November 1834 on the “great experiment”
Ever since settlement took place in Mauritius, starting with the Dutch (which however was not a permanent one), the various colonisers have left the imprint of their languages.
Interview – Soorya Gayan : The “Diasporas” will certainly need more than good intentions to be attracted back It is estimated there are some 200,000 members of the Mauritian
“A Festival is more than a Festival…” — Jean Duvignaud, ‘Festivals: A Sociological Approach’ Kala Utsav: The festival of visual and performing arts held on Friday last at
The time is ripe for the introduction of Bhojpuri within the portals of Secondary Education After dacades of laisser-pour-compte in the backwaters of the Mauritian cultural, linguistic and