Elections 2024: “What is at stake is bigger than party and personal fortunes” ‘It is about public spiritedness and human rights’ * ‘Inequality is wired into our business
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, president of Turkey, and Viktor Orbán, prime minister of Hungary, are two leaders who have consolidated power using a similar playbook.
Our imperfections allow racism, hatred, evil, oppression, authoritarianism, war to float in the ether. The problem is that just like the police officers and Redcoats, we have the
The question after Ukraine’s experience is whether the US is more interested in an economics-based approach to foreign policy or a principles-based approach
The extent of democracy capture varies markedly between countries. It’s much higher in states such as Zimbabwe, where the government has never changed hands
Americans can survive a second Trump term if they resurrect a language of critique and possibility that draws from history U.S. President Donald Trump speaks at a